English Lietuvių (Lithuanian)
2010 07 20
. ...More
2003 01 03



How to deal with the lost data

               If your hard drive has broken, and you have lost data we suggest not to experiment and turn off your computer as soon as possible especially if you heard "klak" or "tick" and to avoid any physical contact with a defective drive. In that case we recommend you to contact with a specialist or data recovery company as soon as it possible. Do not take risks, because you can damage the data, so that no one can ever be restored.

              That’s why such kind of decisions we can offer to you. Please deliver your media to us; we will make a thorough diagnosis, in order to evaluate your hard drive or media failure cause, using our latest program, as well as modern technical equipment in the laboratory.

               Please save your cash and time, because at affordable prices we are always ready to help you.

               Trust your media to specialist and you will not be disappointed.


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